Mixed Media & Collage

Shop unique pieces created without the constraints of just one medium in this diverse selection.

Medium d09e30df 6d95 40ee 8b6d f885e7173bfd

Aqua bar
By Allan Brown

Medium img 3155

Krazee Daze
By Regina Roland

Medium croaked

She Croaked of Self-criticism
By Kala Cullars

Medium e327cad2 7b62 4923 8cd9 af62aee43e7d

Sun kissed
By Allan Brown

Medium 47867585 edbc 4362 b2e2 87a28cb04f3d

Green Meadows
By Allan Brown

Medium oct21r 1

Summer at the Lake
By Patricia Littlefield

Medium 39ebfb78 3cd1 493d 9e82 e7b298ddd9f5

Maybe Money Does Grow on Trees
By Erika Tully

Medium 37756fd1 803a 441a b304 02fbca8279ce

Enchanting Forest
By Erika Tully

Medium 7c5d85cc 55f7 47e1 99b2 d176990b8e42

Sunflower Funflower
By Erika Tully

Medium c417bfef 0dc0 435a 901c cf1a088f55e0 1 201 a

North Chicago Skyline 3D...
By Jordan Mansour

Medium img 1834

Collage Collage
By Regina Roland