Standard andrew sechin

Andrew Sechin

Sechin Fine Art Gallery

"It’s not what you look at that matters, it’s what you see."

My art works are inspired by the ever-changing beauty of nature. Some call my art “abstract” or “imaginative” - I prefer to call it “evocative” for a very simple reason: its goal is to awaken your inner vision. Henry David Thoreau once said, “It’s not what you look at that matters, it’s what you see.” Now you could find my art in private and corporate collections in Chicago, New York, San...

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... Francisco, Los Angeles, Munich, Paris, Miami, London, Moscow, Frankfurt and Singapore.

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Best in category
Gold Coast Art Fair 2018

Medium trap

Un passage d'amoir
Paintings: Acrylic

Medium white oleander

White oleander
Paintings: Acrylic

Medium fugue

Paintings: Acrylic

Medium july bouquet

July bouquet
Paintings: Acrylic

Medium bright side elle

Bright side. Elle
Paintings: Oil

Medium 100f sunset

Hot sunst

Medium fiery

Paintings: Acrylic

Medium lavander


Medium orange sunset

Orange sunset
Paintings: Oil

Medium red veil

Red veil

Medium promised land

Promised land

Medium aurora

Mixed Media & Collage

Medium firebird

Mixed Media & Collage

Medium dunes

Paintings: Oil

Medium magic forest l

Magic forest
Paintings: Acrylic

Medium peer gunt l

Peer Gunt
Mixed Media & Collage

Medium waterfall

Paintings: Acrylic

Medium stars and fireflies

Stars and Fireflies
Paintings: Acrylic