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NewslettersFrom the Deborah Potash Brodie Gallery
From the Deborah Potash Brodie Gallery
Category: Necklaces & Pendants
Title: Sh'lom Bayit - Peaceful Home Necklace
Description: The sages (Talmudic sources) tell us that to have a ‘peaceful home’ is part of our duty to the world to come (Messianic era). Honoring each person in the home, parent, spouse, sibling, child, partner, guest or boarder as a child of the creator is one of the steps to universal peace. The Sterling Silver design house design is more than a house. The roof is the Hebrew word ‘sh’lom’ meaning peaceful and the first floor is the Hebrew word ‘bayit’ meaning house. Owning a design reflecting peace in the home may give that incentive to continue peace, calm, and gratitude. Kabbalah (kabbala) is interpreted as Jewish spiritual mysticism – where looking at a Judaic design more than one meaning can appear. Sh’lom Bayit is more than a piece of jewelry - this designer piece has taken on its own meaningful storyline – to create a peaceful home. Can be used for Bar and Bat Mitzvah, Birthday, Anniversary, healing, renewal, holiday or celebration gift. Available as pendant, dangle and stud earrings, pins, tallit clips, bracelets, giclee, and sandblasted glass.
Color: Includes 18' Snake Chain
Material: Other
Metal: Silver
Gender: Unisex
Clasp: Lobster Clasp
Dimensions: 1 inch tall
Shipping: $9.00
Price: $100.00