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NewslettersFrom the Michael Thiele Gallery
From the Michael Thiele Gallery
Category: Wood
Title: Chorded 12 key Hardwood Drum in C Major (Guatemalan Hormigo with African Pau Rosa sides)
Description: The Chorded 12-Key is our most popular instrument and one of our most musically versatile. This tuning features four chords: C, F, G, and A minor, or a I - IV - V - vi chord progression in the key of C. The instrument is well-suited to be played with hands or mallets, freestyle or to the tune of a favorite song. If it’s songs you’re after, you may know that the I - IV - V - vi chord progression is one of the most common in popular music of the last 50 or 60 years, across all genres. We call the tuning compositions in our drums "open-harmonic". This means that anyone, regardless of prior knowledge or musical ability, can create music that sounds pleasing to the ear without a worry of playing a "wrong note" because they just aren't there. Comes with mallets. We can be reached by email at [email protected] or by phone at our studio 928 522-0211. All of our instruments are also available for custom order in a variety of wood combinations.
Kind: Guatemalan Hormigo and African Pau Rosa
Functional: true
Dimensions: 8 inches wide, 6 inches tall, 18 inches as its depth
Shipping: $35.00
Price: $895.00