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Larry Cutler

Larry Cutler Art Gallery

"Faces in places."

This work is an evolution, stemming from a lifetime of scribbling. Faces are the theme as I work intuitively, building graphic lines into asymmetrical structures that capture the multi-faceted experience of humanity. I embrace humanity meeting people and learning their stories. I have a deep appreciation for the thread connects us all, expressed live through struggle and triumph. Behind all...

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... the different faces(folks)I've interacted with in my life is the emotion of being alive. I capture this in the drawings with color to articulate mood and line quality and shape to provide a context for gaining insight and recognition of our common ground." Cutler is a true man of the people, gregarious and charming . He has worked with veterans, ex-convicts, and fighters. You know the other guy, the cats people in' polite society' try to avoid. I found the work was less about him and more about the people he interacts with. He becomes their voices and tells their stories through his art, through his faces. With his work, he becomes a storyteller chronicling the human condition."
Jiba Molei Anderson, MFA

No booth shot provided

Medium 20180826 154216

Seen it
Paintings: Acrylic

Medium 20180824 180638

Paintings: Acrylic

Medium gs4

Growth Spurt
Paintings: Acrylic

Medium 20180826 151254

2 guys
Paintings: Acrylic

Medium 20180824 183716

Workingn for a living
Paintings: Acrylic

Medium 20181005 201114 be added by owner
Paintings: Acrylic

Medium 20180830 150427

Well rounded
Paintings: Acrylic

Medium 20181027 115101 c  2

Plagued By My Thoughts
Paintings: Acrylic

Medium 20180824 201924

Paintings: Acrylic

Medium 20180825 132804

Mr. Mercury
Mixed Media & Collage

Medium fullsizeoutput 25c9

What we carry
Paintings: Acrylic

Medium 20180824 192049

Metra Warriors
Paintings: Acrylic

Medium 20180824 215227

Paintings: Acrylic

Medium 20180825 001704

detractors 6
Paintings: Acrylic

Medium 20180825 142446

Distractors 5
Mixed Media & Collage

Medium fullsizeoutput 1e11

Motorcycle Man
Paintings: Acrylic

Medium fullsizeoutput 270e

4 days
Mixed Media & Collage

Medium fullsizeoutput 1ae5

Mixed Media & Collage

Medium 20180826 180417

Distractors 2
Paintings: Acrylic

Medium 20180827 144905

Wired In
Paintings: Acrylic

Medium 20180827 151243

Irving is blue
Paintings: Acrylic

Medium 20180827 155208

5 guys ADHD
Paintings: Acrylic

Medium 20180827 195435

Chill 1
Paintings: Acrylic

Medium 20180827 235844

Irving the flourist
Paintings: Acrylic

Medium 20180829 201051

Navigating 60035
Paintings: Acrylic

Medium 20180829 202522

Navagating 60035
Paintings: Acrylic

Medium 20180906 193757

Warriors 2
Paintings: Acrylic

Medium 20180907 200029a

Paintings: Acrylic

Medium 20180912 142518b

Paintings: Acrylic

Medium 20181028 135633  5

Anger Managment
Paintings: Acrylic

Medium 20180824 190105

End of watch
Paintings: Acrylic

Medium 20180827 180851

What we carry 2
Paintings: Acrylic