Gallery Page

Gallery Page

Selling more starts with a great gallery. Professional-looking images are a must to produce sales. Here’s some tips to make your gallery page unforgettable, and keep buyers coming back for more.

Technical specs for images: All images should be uploaded in JPEG format bewtween 550 and 2000 pixels in their largest dimension and saved in RGB color format.

Show your most powerful pieces. You have the ability to change images at any time, so you can rotate your images as often as you like. Keep in mind that too many choices can overwhelm the buyer.

Take good photos of your work. We highly recommend hiring a professional to photograph your work.

Be thorough. Include detailed specs with every piece so buyers know exactly what they are getting. Fill in the title, size, medium, materials and price for every piece. This will help minimize returns, and keep the buyers happy and coming back to purchase again!

Update often. Keep your page fresh with new work to keep buyers engaged. Your followers are notified every time you upload a new image.

Communicate with and buyers frequently. When buyers contact you with questions, get back to them quickly. Knowing you are engaged will help you sell more. And don’t forget to come to with any questions, comments or concerns.

Ship quickly. Buyers are excited about their purchases. The faster you ship, the happier they will be. Plus, you’ll receive your payment sooner.

► Sample Gallery
